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Welcome to Magnolia Cowboy Church! Today’s sermon, delivered by Pastor Sal Soberna, was a powerful reminder of the importance of service in our Christian walk. Whether you’re seeking direction, healing, or relational guidance, God’s voice is always there to guide you. This summary will help you understand the key points of the sermon and how you can apply them to your life this week.

The Power of Immediate Action

Why Immediate Response Matters

Pastor Sal emphasized the importance of immediate action in our faith journey. Just as Saul (later Paul) immediately began preaching about Jesus after his conversion, we too should act promptly when called by God. Immediate action demonstrates our trust and obedience to God’s will.

Biblical Examples of Immediate Action

- **Saul’s Transformation**: Saul went from persecuting Christians to preaching about Jesus immediately after his encounter with Christ. This immediate response was crucial in his transformation and effectiveness in ministry.

- **Peter’s Call**: When Jesus called Peter to walk on water, Peter immediately stepped out of the boat. His immediate action, despite initial fear, showed his faith in Jesus.

The Role of Solitude, Suffering, Service, and Silence


Solitude allows us to connect deeply with God. Saul spent time in solitude in Arabia, which helped him understand and internalize his new faith. Solitude is essential for spiritual growth and clarity.


Suffering is often a part of our journey. It refines us and brings us closer to God. Saul faced numerous challenges and persecutions, but these experiences strengthened his faith and resolve.


Service is a critical aspect of our faith. Saul served the local church and the broader Christian community. Serving others not only helps those in need but also brings us closer to God and fulfills our purpose.


Sometimes, God uses periods of silence to prepare us for future tasks. Saul experienced a time of silence in Tarsus, which was a period of preparation and reflection.

The Importance of Serving the Local Church

Why Serve?

Serving the local church is vital for the growth of the community and our personal spiritual development. The church is the hope of the world, and each member has a role to play.

Overcoming Excuses

Many of us have excuses for not serving, such as lack of time, personal hobbies, or discomfort. However, Pastor Sal challenged us to overcome these excuses and step into our calling.

Practical Ways to Serve

- **Volunteer for Church Activities**: Whether it’s helping with sound, children’s ministry, or community events, there are numerous ways to get involved.

- **Use Your Talents**: Identify your skills and see how they can be used to serve the church. For example, mechanics can help with car repairs for those in need.

Life Application

Challenge for the Week

This week, challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and serve in some capacity. Whether it’s volunteering at church, helping a neighbor, or simply being more present in your community, take a step towards active service.

Reflective Questions

1. **What is holding me back from serving?** Identify any excuses or fears that are preventing you from getting involved.

2. **How can I use my talents to serve others?** Think about your skills and how they can be applied to help those around you.

3. **Am I willing to be used by God?** Reflect on your willingness to be a vessel for God’s work, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.


Serving others is a fundamental aspect of our Christian faith. By following the examples of Saul and Peter, we can see the transformative power of immediate action, solitude, suffering, service, and silence. This week, take the challenge to serve and see how God can use you to make a difference in the world.

Thank you for joining us at Magnolia Cowboy Church. We hope this summary has inspired you to take action and serve in your community. God bless you!