Event Highlights

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Magnolia Community Horse Arena
Wild West Youth Playday was a complete success! The Lord poured out his blessings on us all day. He gave us beautiful weather to share the vision He has for MCC with our entire community.
We saw smiles on the faces of the event participants, their families, the vendors, church members, staff and volunteers. Many comments were made about how the event was exactly what the community needed and they loved that it was local!
MagCow Cookers outdid themselves with the amazing food! There were many moving parts with livestock suppliers, vendors, volunteer shifts, and producing the events, and we worked as a team.
Buckles, tack, trophies, and ribbons were awarded to some ecstatic young cowboys and cowgirls! In total, we were able to raise over $135,000 toward our building expansion project net of all expenses! More importantly, we built relationships with new friends, old friends, and our church family. We truly were a light in the community yesterday.
We want to give a huge thank you to our generous sponsors, each family that came to compete, our vendors and our selfless volunteers! May God bless you all and your families!


Thank you for helping us build the Kingdom of God!

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