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In this week's sermon, we delved into Acts 8, exploring the transformative power of true faith and the pitfalls of false belief. The narrative of Philip, Simon the Sorcerer, and the Ethiopian Eunuch offers profound insights into the nature of genuine faith and the work of the Holy Spirit. Let's break down the key points and lessons from this powerful message.

The Power of True Faith

What is True Faith?

True faith begins with God, not us. The Ethiopian Eunuch's journey to Jerusalem and his encounter with Philip illustrate that God prepares our hearts and draws us to Him. Jesus said in John 6:44, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them." This divine drawing is evident in the Eunuch's life as he seeks understanding and truth.

The Role of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in our faith journey. When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to pray for the new believers to receive the Holy Spirit. This act signified the breaking down of racial and cultural barriers, showing that the Holy Spirit is for all who believe, regardless of their background.

Focused on Jesus

True faith is centered on Jesus Christ. Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian Eunuch highlights this as he explains the scriptures and preaches Jesus to him. Every story in the Bible points to Jesus, and our faith should be rooted in Him alone.

The Dangers of False Belief

A Wrong View of Self

Simon the Sorcerer exemplifies a wrong view of self. He claimed to be someone great and astonished the people with his magic. However, his belief was superficial, driven by a desire for power rather than a genuine relationship with God.

A Wrong View of the Spirit

Simon's attempt to buy the Holy Spirit's power reveals a fundamental misunderstanding. The Holy Spirit cannot be bought or manipulated. True faith involves submission to God's will, not using God for personal gain.

A Wrong View of Sin

Peter's rebuke of Simon underscores the importance of a right view of sin. Simon's heart was not right before God, and he had no part in the matter of true faith. Genuine faith involves repentance and a transformed heart.

Life Application

Embrace True Faith

Reflect on your faith journey. Is it centered on Jesus and guided by the Holy Spirit? True faith begins with God drawing you to Him. Embrace this divine calling and seek a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Avoid the Pitfalls of False Belief

Examine your motives. Are you seeking God for who He is or for what He can give you? Avoid the pitfalls of false belief by focusing on a genuine relationship with God, marked by repentance and submission to His will.

Share the Good News

Like Philip, be ready to share the gospel with those around you. Study the scriptures and be prepared to explain the hope you have in Jesus. Your testimony can lead others to true faith and transformation.


True faith transforms lives and brings joy, as seen in the Ethiopian Eunuch's story. This week, challenge yourself to deepen your relationship with Jesus, avoid the traps of false belief, and share the good news with others. Reflect on these questions:

1. Is my faith centered on Jesus and guided by the Holy Spirit?

2. Am I seeking God for who He is or for what He can give me?

3. How can I share the gospel with those around me?

Embrace the journey of true faith and experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in your life.