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Welcome to our blog post summarizing Pastor Sal's recent sermon at Magnolia Cowboy Church. This message dives deep into the story of Stephen from the Book of Acts, exploring themes of faith, obedience, and the dangers of religious rigidity. Whether you're seeking answers about biblical stories, questions about faith, or lessons from the Bible, this summary will provide you with valuable insights.


The Trial of Stephen: A Lesson in Faith

Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, faced false accusations from the Sanhedrin, the same religious leaders who orchestrated Jesus' crucifixion. Despite the adversity, Stephen's unwavering faith and his powerful sermon in Acts 7 serve as a testament to his commitment to God.


Key Points from Stephen's Sermon

  1. God's Presence in Trials: Just as God was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, He is with us in our trials. Our faith during difficult times can be a powerful witness to others.
  2. The Danger of Religious Rigidity: Stephen accused the Sanhedrin of being "stiff-necked" and resistant to the Holy Spirit. Their rigid adherence to religion had become a barrier to a genuine relationship with God.


The Perils of Being Stiff-Necked

Stephen's use of the term "stiff-necked" highlights the dangers of pride, stubbornness, and resistance to change. This attitude can prevent us from experiencing the fullness of God's grace and guidance.


Characteristics of a Stiff-Necked Person

- Pride: Believing oneself to be better than others and not in need of Jesus.

- Headstrong: A bent toward disobedience and an unwillingness to change.

- Stubbornness: Refusing to yield even when knowing one is wrong.

- Obstinacy: Holding onto opinions despite contrary facts.


Responding to the Holy Spirit

Stephen's sermon emphasizes the importance of responding to the Holy Spirit rather than resisting Him. Abraham's story serves as a prime example of obedience and faith.


Abraham's Obedience

-Leaving the Familiar: Abraham left his homeland and family, trusting God's promise of a new land and descendants.

-Living by Faith: Despite not seeing the fulfillment of all God's promises in his lifetime, Abraham's faith impacted generations to come.


The Consequences of Resisting the Holy Spirit

Resisting the Holy Spirit leads to a hardened heart and a life disconnected from God's blessings. Stephen's sermon recounts how the Israelites repeatedly resisted God's messengers, including Joseph and Moses.


Examples of Resistance

-Joseph's Brothers: Jealousy and rejection led them to sell Joseph into slavery, yet God used Joseph to save his family.

-Moses' Rejection: Despite being chosen by God to deliver the Israelites, Moses faced rejection from his own people.


Embracing the Holy Spirit

For believers, embracing the Holy Spirit means allowing Him to transform our hearts and guide our actions.


Steps to Embrace the Holy Spirit

  1. Be Filled with the Spirit: Allow the Holy Spirit to control and guide your life.
  2. Do Not Grieve the Spirit: Speak words that edify and build up others.
  3. Do Not Quench the Spirit: Maintain a joyful, prayerful, and thankful attitude in all circumstances.
  4. Be Born Again by the Spirit: Experience the renewal and transformation that comes from the Holy Spirit.


Life Application

Applying the Sermon to Your Life

This week, challenge yourself to be more responsive to the Holy Spirit. Reflect on areas where you may be resisting God's guidance and take steps to submit to His will.


Questions for Reflection

  1. Are there areas in my life where I am being stiff-necked and resistant to change?
  2. How can I be more open to the Holy Spirit's guidance and leading?
  3. In what ways can I demonstrate faith and obedience like Abraham, even when the path is uncertain?
  4. How can I ensure that my words and actions build up others and do not grieve the Holy Spirit?

By embracing the Holy Spirit and submitting to God's will, we can experience a deeper relationship with Him and become a powerful witness to those around us. Let this week's challenge guide you towards a more obedient and faith-filled life.