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We believe the church is a place where you ought to be able to find some casual, long, leisurely meals of spiritual things. In our discipleship process, we use the family table as a metaphor for spiritual maturity. We mature best as children with a physical family that is intentional about nurturing us and doing life together. We're a spiritual family at our church. We are all at different places in our spiritual journey with the Lord. We all have been given special gifts and talents to be used to build up the church. We believe that intentional spiritual relationships are key to our spiritual growth. By committing to these relationships, we can help each other mature in Christ. It's not just about attending church on Sundays; it's about doing life together, sharing our faith, and using our God-given gifts to encourage and support one another through life's challenges. It’s about finding your place at the family table and growing to a spiritually mature reproducing adult.


Bible Verse

All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. - Acts 2:44-45


Reflection Question 

How can you be more intentional in building relationships within your church community? Perhaps you can volunteer in a ministry, and get to know the person next to you in church. The most intentional way of building relationships is to join a lifegroup. A small group is the place where you have a seat at the table, where you are heard, your needs are met and you develop a heart to do the same for others. 


Quote In relational discipleship, the table is the metaphor we use that reminds us we're all in this together. We're all a family where everybody is heard and everybody is needed. 


Prayer Lord, help me to build intentional relationships that foster spiritual growth. Give me the wisdom and courage to invest in others and to allow others to invest in me. Amen.