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Every believer has been uniquely gifted by God for a specific purpose within the church body. Like pieces of a beautiful mosaic, each person's contribution adds to the overall picture of God's work in the world. You might feel inadequate or unsure about where you fit, but God has intentionally equipped you with abilities that the church needs. The journey of discovering these gifts often begins with simply stepping out and trying different areas of service.

Bible Verse

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. - 1 Peter 4:10

Reflection Question

What unique abilities or experiences has God given you that could be used to serve others in your church community?

Quote The best way to figure out what your gift is is not to be tested for your gift. Because then all you're gonna do is say, well, I got that gift, but is to go out and actually minister to people.


Lord, help me recognize and embrace the gifts You've given me. Grant me courage to step out in faith and use these gifts to serve others. Remove my doubts and replace them with confidence in Your design. Amen.